Source code for clasp.click_ext

# Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Wasilewski
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"""extension and interface for parsing with click and configparse

imports callbacks into namespace for convenience
from builtins import str
import configparser
from configparser import ExtendedInterpolation
import collections
import traceback
import functools
import shutil

import sphinx.writers.text

import clasp.click_callbacks
from clasp.click_callbacks import *

callback_help = clasp.click_callbacks.__doc__

[docs] def add_callback_info(func): if func.__doc__ is None: func.__doc__ = callback_help else: func.__doc__ += "\n\n" + callback_help return func
[docs] def pretty_name(r): def wrapper(f): f.prettyname = r return f return wrapper
#: Edited from click completion script to avoid running out of turn (faster) COMPLETION_SCRIPT_BASH = ''' %(complete_func)s() { local cw="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" if [[ $cw != *">"* ]]; then if [[ ${COMP_WORDS[$COMP_CWORD]} != -* ]] && [[ '''\ '''${COMP_WORDS[$COMP_CWORD-1]} == -* ]]; then : else local IFS=$'\n' COMPREPLY=( $( env COMP_WORDS="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" \\ COMP_CWORD=$COMP_CWORD \\ %(autocomplete_var)s=complete $1 ) ) fi fi return 0 } %(complete_func)setup() { local COMPLETION_OPTIONS="" local BASH_VERSION_ARR=(${BASH_VERSION//./ }) # Only BASH version 4.4 and later have the nosort option. if [ ${BASH_VERSION_ARR[0]} -gt 4 ] || ([ ${BASH_VERSION_ARR[0]} -eq 4'''\ ''' ] && [ ${BASH_VERSION_ARR[1]} -ge 4 ]); then COMPLETION_OPTIONS="-o nosort" fi complete $COMPLETION_OPTIONS -o default -F %(complete_func)s '''\ '''%(script_names)s } %(complete_func)setup ''' #: basic script template for one offs script_template = f'''#!/usr/bin/env python from clasp import click import clasp.click_ext as clk import clasp.script_tools as cst """{callback_help}""" @click.command() @click.argument('arg1') @clk.shared_decs(clk.command_decs('0.1', wrap=True)) def main(ctx, arg1, **kwargs): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()''' #: basic script template for command subcommand structure (using config files) script_template2 = f'''#!/usr/bin/env python from clasp import click import clasp.click_ext as clk import clasp.script_tools as cst """{callback_help}""" @clk.shared_decs(clk.main_decs('0.1')) def main(ctx, config, outconfig, configalias, inputalias): """docstring""" clk.get_config(ctx, config, outconfig, configalias, inputalias) @main.command() @click.argument('arg1') @clk.shared_decs(clk.command_decs('0.1', wrap=True)) def XXX(ctx, arg1, **kwargs): pass @main.result_callback @click.pass_context def printconfig(ctx, opts, **kwargs): """callback to save config file""" try: clk.tmp_clean(opts[2]) except Exception: pass if kwargs['outconfig']: clk.print_config(ctx, opts, kwargs['outconfig'], kwargs['config'], kwargs['configalias']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()'''
[docs] def click_ext(click): """customize click help messages and bash complete""" orig_init = click.core.Option.__init__ def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs): orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs) if 'show_default' not in kwargs: self.show_default = True def format_help_text(self, ctx, formatter): """modified help text formatter for compatibility with sphinx-click.""" if formatter.write_paragraph() rst = formatter.indent() for line in rst.splitlines(): formatter.write_text(line) formatter.dedent() formatter.write_paragraph() def format_options(self, ctx, formatter): """Writes all the options into the formatter if they exist.""" opts = [] twidth = max(shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns, 80) sphinx.writers.text.MAXWIDTH = twidth - 10 for param in self.get_params(ctx): rv = param.get_help_record(ctx) if rv is not None: a, name, _ = index_param(ctx, param) try: try: callback = param.callback.prettyname except AttributeError: callback = pretty_callback_names[ param.callback.__name__] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass else: rv0 = re.split(r'(\W)', rv[0]) rv0[-1] = callback.upper() rv = (''.join(rv0),) + rv[1:] opts.append((a, name, rv)) seps = [(i[0], (f"\n{i[1]}" , '')) for i in index_seps(opts)] opts = [i[-1] for i in sorted(opts + seps, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))] if opts: with formatter.section('Options'): indent = ' '*formatter.current_indent for opt in opts: formatter.write(f"{indent}{opt[0]}\n") rst = opt[1] formatter.indent() formatter.indent() formatter.width = (sphinx.writers.text.MAXWIDTH + formatter.current_indent*2) for line in rst.splitlines(): formatter.write_text(line) formatter.dedent() formatter.dedent() formatter.write("\n") click.core.Option.__init__ = new_init click.core.Command.format_help_text = format_help_text click.core.Command.format_options = format_options return click
[docs] def printconfigs(ctx, param, s): if s: for k, v in ctx.command.commands.items(): opts = {} for p in v.params: if p.human_readable_name not in ['opts', 'debug', 'version']: opts[p.human_readable_name] = p.get_default(ctx) print_config(ctx, (k, opts), sys.stdout, None, None, True) sys.exit(0)
[docs] def wrap_command(): """decorator to execute command within standardized error handling""" def wrapped_call(func): @functools.wraps(func) def handle_call(ctx, *args, **kwargs): cname = func.__name__ try: chain = ctx.parent.command.__dict__['chain'] except (KeyError, AttributeError): chain = False if chain: kwargs['opts'] = kwargs['opts'] or ctx.parent.params['opts'] kwargs['debug'] = kwargs['debug'] or ctx.parent.params['debug'] if kwargs['opts']: kwargs['opts'] = False click.echo(f'\n{cname} options:\n', err=True) echo_args(**kwargs) else: try: func(ctx, *args, **kwargs) except click.Abort: raise except click.exceptions.Exit as ex: if ex.exit_code != 0: print_except(ex, kwargs['debug'], ctx=ctx) raise click.Abort except Exception as ex: print_except(ex, kwargs['debug'], ctx=ctx) raise click.Abort return cname, kwargs, ctx return handle_call return wrapped_call
[docs] def main_decs(v, writeconfig=True): """set of shared decorators for all main command groups Parameters ---------- v: str Returns ------- md: list decorator list for main command to manage config file usage """ md = [ click.option('--config', '-c', type=click.Path(exists=True), help="path of config file to load"), click.option('--configalias', '-ca', help="store config in alias section. use to store " "multiple settings for same command"), click.option('--inputalias/--no-inputalias', default=True, help="if true uses -ca for loading settings"), click.version_option(version=v), click.pass_context ] if writeconfig: md.append(click.option('--outconfig', '-oc', type=click.Path(file_okay=True), help="path of config file to write/update")) return md
[docs] def command_decs(v, wrap=False): """set of shared decorators for all sub commands Parameters ---------- v: str Returns ------- cd: list decorator list for sub command """ cd = [ click.option('--opts', '-opts', is_flag=True, help="check parsed options"), click.option('--debug', is_flag=True, help="show traceback on exceptions"), click.version_option(version=v), click.pass_context ] if wrap: cd.append(wrap_command()) return cd
[docs] def shared_decs(decs): """decorator to add decs to function Parameters ---------- decs: list of decorator functions to add to function Returns ------- decorator: func a function that decorates function with list of decorators """ def decorate(f): for dec in reversed(decs): f = dec(f) return f return decorate
[docs] def tmp_clean(ctx): """remove files placed int temps context object (called at end of scripts)""" try: for i in ctx.obj['temps']: try: os.remove(i) except Exception: pass except (KeyError, TypeError): pass
[docs] def invoke_dependency(ctx, cmd, *args, **kwargs): kws = ctx.parent.command.commands[].context_settings['default_map'] for p in ctx.parent.command.commands[].params: try: kws[] = p.process_value(ctx.parent, kws[]) except KeyError: kws[] = p.get_default(ctx.parent) kws.update(**kwargs) cmd.callback(*args, **kws)
[docs] def read_section(Config, dict1, section, options): for option in options: try: try: opt = Config.get(section, option) except configparser.InterpolationSyntaxError: opt = Config.get(section, option, raw=True) if re.match(r'.+_\d+', option): opto = option.rsplit("_", 1)[0] try: dict1[opto].append(opt) except Exception: dict1[opto] = [opt] elif opt == "None": dict1[option] = None else: dict1[option] = opt except Exception as ex: print(ex.__class__) click.echo("exception on {}! {}".format(option, ex), err=True) dict1[option] = None return dict1
[docs] def ConfigSectionMap(Config, section): """maps ConfigParser section to dict""" dict1 = {} try: options = Config.options(section) except Exception: options = [] try: cvars = Config.options('globals') except Exception: cvars = [] read_section(Config, dict1, 'globals', cvars) read_section(Config, dict1, section, options) return dict1
[docs] def format_depth(v): '''recursively format lists and tuples''' if type(v) == list: wv = " ".join([format_depth(i) for i in v]) elif type(v) == tuple: wv = ",".join([format_depth(i) for i in v]) else: wv = str(v) return wv
[docs] def formatarg(Parser, command, name, v): """formats option to write to config file""" try: v = except AttributeError: pass wv = format_depth(v) try: Parser.set(command, name, wv) except configparser.NoSectionError: Parser.add_section(command) Parser.set(command, name, wv) return Parser
[docs] def setargs(Config, ini, section): """gets command section from .ini file""" try: return ConfigSectionMap(Config, section) except Exception: return {}
[docs] def index_param(ctx, param): '''tag param with index to sort by option type for help display''' if param.human_readable_name == 'version': a = 11 elif param.human_readable_name == 'help': a = 10 elif param.human_readable_name == 'debug': a = 9 elif param.human_readable_name == 'opts': a = 8 elif param.required: a = 1 elif param.prompt: a = 2 elif param.is_flag: if param.get_default(ctx): a = 4 else: a = 5 else: a = 3 return a, param.human_readable_name, param
[docs] def index_seps(params): '''insert section headers into param list for help display''' seps = [] sections = set([i[0] for i in params]) if 1 in sections: seps.append((0.5, "REQUIRED:")) if 2 in sections: seps.append((1.5, "HAS PROMPT:")) if 3 in sections: seps.append((2.5, "VALUE OPTIONS:")) if 4 in sections: seps.append((3.5, "FLAGS (DEFAULT TRUE):")) if 5 in sections: seps.append((4.5, "FLAGS (DEFAULT FALSE):")) if [i for i in [8, 9, 10, 11] if i in sections]: seps.append((7.5, 'HELP:')) return seps
[docs] def get_config(ctx, config, outconfig, configalias, inputalias, template=None): """load config file into click options""" Parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) com = ctx.info_name.split("_")[-1] subc = ctx.invoked_subcommand if configalias and template is not None: gargs = setargs(Parser, template, "{}_{}".format(com, configalias)) elif template is not None: gargs = setargs(Parser, template, "{}_{}".format(com, subc)) else: gargs = {} if configalias is not None and inputalias: alias = "{}_{}".format(com, configalias) args = setargs(Parser, config, alias) else: alias = "{}_{}".format(com, subc) args = setargs(Parser, config, alias) gargs.update(args) if not gargs and outconfig is None and (config is not None or configalias): click.echo("WARNING: {} not found in local config file: {} or " "global config file: {}" "".format(alias, config, template), err=True) raise click.Abort() ctx.command.commands[subc].context_settings['default_map'] = gargs
[docs] def get_config_chained(ctx, config, outconfig, configalias, inputalias): """load config file into click options""" Parser = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) com = ctx.info_name.split("_")[-1] bad = outconfig is None and (config is not None or configalias) for subc in ctx.command.commands: if configalias is not None and inputalias: alias = "{}_{}".format(configalias, subc) gargs = setargs(Parser, config, alias) else: alias = "{}_{}".format(com, subc) gargs = setargs(Parser, config, alias) if not gargs and bad: click.echo("WARNING: {} not found in local config file: {}" "".format(alias, config), err=True) raise click.Abort() else: bad = False ctx.command.commands[subc].context_settings['default_map'] = gargs if bad: raise click.Abort()
[docs] def match_multiple(ctx, subc): """identify params with multiple=True for config file parsing""" ismultiple = {} for opt in ctx.command.commands[subc].params: ismultiple[opt.human_readable_name] = opt.multiple return ismultiple
[docs] def config_comments(*args): """read in comments from config files""" comments = ['# Usage:'] for arg in args: try: f = open(arg, 'r') except Exception: pass else: cm = [i.strip() for i in f.readlines() if re.match(r'^#', i.strip())] f.close() for c in cm: if c not in comments: comments.append(c) return("\n".join(comments) + "\n\n")
[docs] def add_opt_comment(comments, opts): """add comment lines for opts unless present""" comments = comments.strip() for opt in opts: if not'#\s*\[{}\]'.format(opt), comments): comments += "{: <30}#".format('\n# [{}]'.format(opt)) return comments + "\n\n"
[docs] def formatarg_line(v, i=None, idx=None): """reduce output of long lists subroutine""" if len(v) > 2 and len("{}".format(v)) > 80: sv = "" k = 0 while len(sv) <= 30 and k < 10: sv += "{}, ".format(v[k]) k += 1 a = "list of length: {} [ {}... , {} ]".format(len(v), sv, v[-1]) else: a = "{}".format(v) if i is not None: if idx is not None: i = "{}_{:03d}".format(i, idx) a = "{0:.<15}{1}".format(i, a) return a
[docs] def formatarg_stdout(v, i=None): """reduce output of long lists""" if type(v) == tuple or type(v) == list: if len(v) > 0 and type(v[0]) == list: a = [] for j, v0 in enumerate(v): a += [formatarg_line(v0, i=i, idx=j)] a = "\n".join(a) else: a = formatarg_line(v, i) else: a = "{}".format(v) if i is not None: a = "{0:.<15}{1}".format(i, a) return a
[docs] def echo_args(*args, **kwargs): """print human readable version of parsed args""" print("Positonal Arguments:\n", file=sys.stderr) for v in args: try: v.tell() except AttributeError: pass else: try: v = except Exception: v = "file like object" print(formatarg_stdout(v), file=sys.stderr) print("\nOptions:\n", file=sys.stderr) srt = sorted([(i, u) for i, u in list(kwargs.items())]) for i, v in srt: print(formatarg_stdout(v, i), file=sys.stderr)