

added context to print_except to clean temporary files unless debug


added extendedinterpolation to config parser ${section:variable}


bugfix in invoke_dependency


bugfix on tmp_file creation if ctx.obj exists but temps does not bugfix in template scripts


upgrade to click 8.0


pass kwargs overrides to invoke_dependency


fixed format width issue on –help


cleanup RST parsing


better parsing for –help output (can parse basic rst) made changes to support chained commands


bug fixes


python 3 only, concurrent futures and direct template scripts


bugs and decorator type


small bugs


add @file parsing to split_str ensure encoding with detached terminal for stdin (for testing)


python 3 beta


added @file parsing to parse_file_list each line handled as its own call to parse_file_list


kwarg bug in read_all_data


change main_decs to function with version arg


kwarg_match debug option


added followers kwarg to crossref_all


bug fixes


add release to version bump


first release on pypi


added read_data, read_all_data, and read_epw to easily parse data files


added script_template and script_template2 for easy in directory coding


wrote readme


first stable release


Initial setup of the directory

Commit Log

* 2023-03-20:doc issues
|  (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
* 2023-03-20:call cleanup on context for temporary file handling
* 2022-12-30:handle deprecation warning, now pass docstrings directly without rst formatting
* 2022-06-21:Bump version: 1.1.7 → 1.1.8
|  (tag: v1.1.8)
* 2022-06-21:added extendedinterpolation to config parser ${section:variable}
* 2022-06-20:update tests
* 2022-04-14:Bump version: 1.1.6 → 1.1.7
|  (tag: v1.1.7)
* 2022-04-14:bug fix in invoke dependency
* 2021-09-02:Bump version: 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
|  (tag: v1.1.6)
* 2021-09-02:bugfix on tmp_file creation if ctx.obj exists but temps does not
* 2021-07-30:fix bug in template scripts
* 2021-05-24:Bump version: 1.1.4 → 1.1.5
|  (tag: v1.1.5)
* 2021-05-24:compatible with click 8.0
* 2021-05-24:Bump version: 1.1.3 → 1.1.4
|  (tag: v1.1.4)
* 2021-05-24:pass kwargs overrides to invoke_dependency
* 2020-11-15:Bump version: 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
|  (tag: v1.1.3)
* 2020-11-15:fixed format width issue on --help
* 2020-10-10:Bump version: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2
|  (tag: v1.1.2)
* 2020-10-10:keep bump on master
* 2020-10-10:rst docs formatting
* 2020-09-28:adjust width of help output to terminal width
|  (origin/dev3)
* 2020-09-17:Bump version: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1
|  (tag: v1.1.1)
* 2020-09-17:added decorator for custom callback help
* 2020-09-16:remove docs/build
* 2020-09-16:updated requirements
* 2020-09-16:updated requirements;
* 2020-09-16:updated requirements;
* 2020-09-16:Bump version: 1.0.7 → 1.1.0
|  (tag: v1.1.0)
* 2020-09-16:parse docstrings as rst
* 2020-09-16:updated --help display, now parses rst in help text of options
* 2020-08-10:Bump version: 1.0.6 → 1.0.7
|  (tag: v1.0.7)
* 2020-08-10:minor fixes
* 2020-07-31:moved sglob to script_tools for more convinient access
* 2020-06-30:changes for chained commands
* 2020-05-04:new callback
* 2020-04-17:Bump version: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6
|  (tag: v1.0.6)
* 2020-04-16:fixed bug with header/rows conflict and bad order of drange
* 2020-03-31:allow callbacks to reset to none, TODO: how to clear non callback options (int, etc..)
* 2020-03-26:Bump version: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5
|  (tag: v1.0.5)
* 2020-03-26:updated requirements_dev for readthedocs
* 2020-03-18:added multiple=True support to tup_int callback --> TODO, implement for other callbacks
* 2020-03-17:Bump version: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4
|  (tag: v1.0.4)
* 2020-03-16:fixed reading of master.cfg
* 2020-02-26:Bump version: 1.0.2 → 1.0.3
|  (tag: v1.0.3)
*   2020-02-26:Merge branch 'dev3' of https://bitbucket.org/stephenwasilewski/clasp into dev3
| | 
| * 2020-02-02:Bump version: 1.0.1 → 1.0.2
| |  (tag: v1.0.2)
| | 
| * 2020-02-02:read stdin as bytes
| | 
| | 
| * 2020-02-02:Bump version: 1.0.0 → 1.0.1
| |  (tag: v1.0.1)
| | 
* | 2020-02-26:script tools
* 2019-12-08:bugs from radutil
* 2019-12-06:removed future imports since code is now dependent on 3
* 2019-12-05:include type hints for callbacks in help documentation, looked at making true typ classed, but this was much easier.
*   2019-12-04:Merge branch 'dev3' of bitbucket.org:stephenwasilewski/clasp into dev3
| | 
| * 2019-12-04:remove unused imports causing pytest deprecation warnings
| | 
| | 
| * 2019-12-02:added binary stream callback
| | 
| | 
* | 2019-12-04:added callback for parsing possible paths
* 2019-12-01:edits for radutil compatibility
* 2019-10-25:fixed bug in int_rng (used by int_tup)
* 2019-10-23:options to pool_call
* 2019-10-22:Bump version: 0.2.10 → 1.0.0
|  (tag: v1.0.0)
* 2019-10-22:added script template entry point clasp_template
* 2019-09-04:increase function of pool_call
* 2019-08-30:new callback module
* 2019-08-30:use concurrent futures for version 3 clasp instead of ipyparallel
* 2019-08-24:fixed test
* 2019-08-06:Bump version: 0.2.9 → 0.2.10
|  (tag: v0.2.10, origin/develop)
* 2019-08-06:requirements for readthedocs
* 2019-08-01:Bump version: 0.2.8 → 0.2.9
|  (tag: v0.2.9)
*   2019-07-19:Merge branch 'develop' of https://bitbucket.org/stephenwasilewski/clasp into develop
| |   
| *   2019-07-11:merge changes
| |\  
| | | 
| * | 2019-07-11:coerce error
| | | 
| | | 
* | | 2019-07-19:new callback type
| |/  
| | 
* | 2019-07-05:trivial
| | 
| | 
* | 2019-07-04:Bump version: 0.2.7 → 0.2.8
| |  (tag: v0.2.8)
| | 
* | 2019-07-04:fixed coerce bug and changed doc style
* 2019-06-22:added command level shared decs
* 2019-06-18:Bump version: 0.2.6 → 0.2.7
|  (tag: v0.2.7)
* 2019-06-18:add @file notation for split_str callback
* 2019-06-11:ensure encoding with detached terminal for stdin
* 2019-06-09:Bump version: 0.2.5 → 0.2.6
|  (tag: v0.2.6)
* 2019-06-09:handle python 3 deprecation warnings
* 2019-06-09:Bump version: 0.2.4 → 0.2.5
|  (tag: v0.2.5)
* 2019-06-09:bad pypi format
* 2019-06-09:Bump version: 0.2.3 → 0.2.4
|  (tag: v0.2.4)
*   2019-06-09:Merge branch 'develop' of https://bitbucket.org/stephenwasilewski/clasp into develop
| | 
| * 2019-03-29:add requirements
| | 
| | 
* | 2019-06-09:py3 bug
*   2019-03-29:Merge branch 'dev3' into develop
| | 
| * 2019-03-29:caught up changes from develop branch
| | 
| | 
| * 2019-03-22:pass pipeline test in py2 and py3
| | 
| | 
| * 2019-03-15:doc build test
| | 
| | 
| * 2019-03-12:ran futurize, need to test on both 3 and 2 before merging
| | 
| | 
* | 2019-03-29:Bump version: 0.2.2 → 0.2.3
| |  (tag: v0.2.3)
| | 
* | 2019-03-29:added @file parsing to parse_file_list each line handled as its own call to parse_file_list
| | 
| | 
* | 2019-03-25:Bump version: 0.2.1 → 0.2.2
| |  (tag: v0.2.2)
| | 
* | 2019-03-25:kwarg bug in read_all_data
* 2019-02-26:Bump version: 0.2.0 → 0.2.1
|  (tag: v0.2.1)
* 2019-02-26:change main_decs to function with version arg
* 2019-02-05:Bump version: 0.1.12 → 0.2.0
|  (tag: v0.2.0)
* 2019-02-05:debug flag in kwarg_match
* 2019-01-18:Bump version: 0.1.11 → 0.1.12
|  (tag: v0.1.12)
* 2019-01-18:fix autox bug in read_all_data
* 2019-01-17:Bump version: 0.1.10 → 0.1.11
|  (tag: v0.1.11)
* 2019-01-17:read preformatted weather file (7 columns) in read_epw
* 2018-12-20:modified bash complete script
* 2018-12-19:Bump version: 0.1.9 → 0.1.10
|  (tag: v0.1.10)
* 2018-12-19:problems reading x and y from seperate files, changed order=True, need to rethink...
* 2018-12-17:Bump version: 0.1.8 → 0.1.9
|  (tag: v0.1.9)
* 2018-12-17:implemented followers in crossref_all
* 2018-12-14:Bump version: 0.1.7 → 0.1.8
|  (tag: v0.1.8)
* 2018-12-14:error in script_tools.read_epw
* 2018-12-14:readme edit
* 2018-12-14:readme edit
* 2018-12-13:fix url
* 2018-12-13:change url
* 2018-12-13:remove tips from docs
* 2018-12-13:Bump version: 0.1.6 → 0.1.7
|  (tag: v0.1.7)
* 2018-12-13:add docs to project urls
* 2018-12-13:Bump version: 0.1.5 → 0.1.6
|  (tag: v0.1.6)
* 2018-12-13:remove docs/_build
* 2018-12-12:Bump version: 0.1.4 → 0.1.5
|  (tag: v0.1.5)
* 2018-12-12:try again
* 2018-12-12:ready to push to pypi
* 2018-12-12:email change
* 2018-12-12:static download link in readme
* 2018-12-12:Bump version: 0.1.3 → 0.1.4
|  (tag: v0.1.4)
* 2018-12-12:moved read_data functions from radutil to clasp
* 2018-12-11:readme format
* 2018-12-11:Bump version: 0.1.2 → 0.1.3
|  (tag: v0.1.3)
* 2018-12-11:added script_template2 for command group format
* 2018-12-11:Bump version: 0.1.1 → 0.1.2
|  (tag: v0.1.2)
* 2018-12-11:readme update
* 2018-12-10:Bump version: 0.1.0 → 0.1.1
|  (tag: v0.1.1)
* 2018-12-10:wrote readme
* 2018-12-10:Bump version: 0.0.1 → 0.1.0
|  (tag: v0.1.0)
* 2018-12-10:make extended click importable from clasp.click
* 2018-12-10:improve autocomplete and option print out
* 2018-12-07:setup
* 2018-12-07:setup
* 2018-12-07:small version error
* 2018-12-07:setup
* 2018-12-07:setup
* 2018-12-07:Bump version: 0.0.0 → 0.0.1
|  (tag: v0.0.1)
* 2018-12-07:make ready to tag
* 2018-12-07:make ready to tag
* 2018-12-07:package setup