Source code for clasp.click_callbacks

# Copyright (c) 2018 Stephen Wasilewski
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"""callbacks for special parsing of command line inputs

**Callbacks By type**

**File input**

file inputs can be given with wildcard expansion (in quotes so that the
callback handles) using glob plus the following:

    * [abc] (one of a, b, or c) 
    * [!abc] (none of a, b or c)
    * '-' (hyphen) collect the stdin into a temporary file (clasp_tmp*)
    * ~ expands user

**callback functions**

    * is_file: check if a single path exists (prompts for user input if file
      not found)
    * are_files: recursively calls parse_file_list and prompts on error
    * is_file_iter: use when multiple=True
    * are_files_iter: use when mulitple=True
    * are_files_or_str: tries to parse as files, then tries split_float, then
      split_int, then returns string
    * are_files_or_str_iter: use when mulitple=True

**String parsing**

    * split_str: split with shlex.split
    * split_str_iter: use when multiple=True
    * color_inp: return alpha string, split on whitespace,
      convert floats and parse tuples on ,
    * char0: return first character

**Number parsing**

    * tup_int: parses integer tuples from comma/space separated string
    * tup_float: parses float tuples from comma/space separated string
    * split_float: splits list of floats and extends ranges based on : notation
    * split_int: splits list of ints and extends ranges based on : notation

import os
import re
import sys
import shlex
import tempfile

import click
from clasp.script_tools import sglob
import clasp.script_tools as cst

pretty_callback_names = {
    'is_file' : 'FILE',
    'are_files': 'FILES',
    'is_file_iter': 'FILES',
    'are_files_iter': 'FILES',
    'are_files_or_str': 'FILES,INTS,FLOATS,TEXTS',
    'are_files_or_str_iter': 'FILES,INTS,FLOATS,TEXTS',
    'split_str': 'TEXTS',
    'split_str_iter': 'TEXTS',
    'color_inp': 'COLORS',
    'tup_int': 'INTS INTS,INTS',
    'tup_float': 'FLOATS, FLOATS,FLOATS',
    'split_float': 'FLOATS',
    'split_int': 'INTS',
    'are_valid_paths': 'PATHS',
    'int_tups': 'INT,INT INT,INT',
    'tup_list': 'TEXT',

[docs]def callback_error(s, param, example): """standard error message for exceptions raised during argument parsing used by custom callback functions raises ClickException Parameters ---------- s: value param: click.core.Option example: example of valid entry format """ message = "\ncan't parse: {}\nexpected input "\ "format: '{}'".format(s, example) raise click.BadParameter(message)
[docs]def is_file(ctx, param, s): """checks input file string with recursive prompt use os.environ['CLASP_PIPE'] = '1' in parent script or set CLASP_PIPE=1 to disable prompt and avoid hanging process """ if s == '-': return tmp_stdin(ctx) if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: return None command = ctx.info_name name = try: if os.path.exists(s): return s else: raise ValueError(s) except ValueError as e: try: nopipe = os.environ['CLASP_PIPE'] != '1' except KeyError: nopipe = True click.echo("{} not an existing file".format(e), err=True) if nopipe and not ctx.resilient_parsing: s2 = click.prompt("{} for {}".format(name, command)) return is_file(ctx, param, s2) else: raise click.Abort()
[docs]def char0(ctx, param, s): return s[0].lower()
[docs]def are_files(ctx, param, s, prompt=True): """checks input file list string with recursive prompt use os.environ['CLASP_PIPE'] = '1' in parent script or set CLASP_PIPE=1 to disable prompt and avoid hanging process """ if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: return None command = ctx.info_name name = try: return parse_file_list(ctx, s) except ValueError as e: if prompt and not ctx.resilient_parsing: try: nopipe = os.environ['CLASP_PIPE'] != '1' except KeyError: nopipe = True click.echo("{} not an existing file".format(e), err=True) if nopipe and ctx.resilient_parsing: s2 = click.prompt("{} for {}".format(name, command)) else: raise click.Abort() else: raise ValueError(e) return are_files(ctx, param, s2)
[docs]def are_valid_paths(ctx, param, s): """checks input file list """ if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: return None try: return parse_file_list(ctx, s, valid=True) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(e)
[docs]def is_files_iter(ctx, param, s): """calls are_files for each item in iterable s use with multiple=True""" files = [] for s2 in s: files.append(is_file(ctx, param, s2)) return files
[docs]def are_files_iter(ctx, param, s, prompt=True): """calls are_files for each item in iterable s use with multiple=True""" files = [] for s2 in s: files.append(are_files(ctx, param, s2, prompt)) return files
[docs]def are_files_or_str(ctx, param, s): """tries are_files for each item then split_str""" try: return are_files(ctx, param, s, False) except ValueError: pass try: return [str(i) for i in split_int(ctx, param, s)] except Exception: pass try: return [str(i) for i in split_float(ctx, param, s)] except Exception: pass return split_str(ctx, param, s)
[docs]def are_files_or_str_iter(ctx, param, s): """tries are_files then split_str use with multiple=True""" files = [] for s2 in s: files.append(are_files_or_str(ctx, param, s2)) return files
#: string parsing callbacks
[docs]def split_str(ctx, param, s): """splits space seperated string""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: return None elif len(s) == 0: return '' elif s[0] == '@': if os.path.exists(s[1:]): f = open(s[1:], 'r') return shlex.split( else: return shlex.split(s) else: return shlex.split(s)
[docs]def split_str_iter(ctx, param, s): """calls are_files for each item in iterable s use with multiple=True""" args = [] for s2 in s: args.append(split_str(ctx, param, s2)) return args
[docs]def color_inp(ctx, param, s): """parses color tuple from comma/space seperated string or cmap name""" if re.match(r"^([\d\.]+[, \t]+)+[\d\.]+$", s): so = [] for x in s.split(): if "," in x: so.append(tuple(float(i) for i in x.split(","))) else: so.append(float(x)) return so else: return s
[docs]def tup_int(ctx, param, s, recurs=False): """parses integer or len 2 tuples from comma/space separated string with range : notation""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: so = None else: if param.multiple and not recurs: so = [tup_int(ctx, param, s2, recurs=True) for s2 in s] if None in so: return None else: return [tup_int(ctx, param, s2, recurs=True) for s2 in s] try: so = [] for x in s.split(): if "," in x: for fis in cst.int_rng(x.split(",")[0]): for col in cst.int_rng(x.split(",")[1]): so.append((fis, col)) else: so.extend(cst.int_rng(x)) except Exception as ex: callback_error(s, param, '0 0,1 0,3') return so
[docs]def int_tups(ctx, param, s): """parses integer tuples from comma/space separated string""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: so = None else: try: so = [] for x in s.split(): so.append(tuple(int(i) for i in x.split(","))) except Exception: callback_error(s, param, '0,1 0,3.6') return so
[docs]def tup_float(ctx, param, s): """parses float tuples from comma/space separated string""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: so = None else: try: so = [] for x in s.split(): if "," in x: so.append(tuple(float(i) for i in x.split(","))) else: so.append(float(x)) except Exception: callback_error(s, param, '0 0,1 0,3.6') return so
[docs]def tup_list(ctx, param, s): """convert tuple to list""" if s is not None: return list(s) else: return None
[docs]def split_float(ctx, param, s): """splits list of floats and extends ranges based on : notation""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: result = None else: try: result = [] for part in s.split(): if ':' in part: a = (float(i) for i in part.split(':')) result.extend(cst.arange(*a)) else: a = float(part) result.append(a) result = [round(i, 6) for i in result] except Exception: callback_error(s, param, '0 30.5 40') return result
[docs]def split_int(ctx, param, s): """splits list of ints and extends ranges based on : notation""" if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: result = None else: try: result = [] for part in s.split(): if ':' in part: a = (int(i) for i in part.split(':')) result.extend(cst.arange(*a)) else: a = int(part) result.append(a) if len(result) == 1: result = [int(result[0])] except Exception: callback_error(s, param, '0 30 40') return result
[docs]def data_stream(ctx, param, s): if s in [None, 'None', 'none']: result = None elif s == '-': result = sys.stdin.buffer else: try: result = open(s, 'rb') except Exception: callback_error(s, param, 'should be an existing file') return result
[docs]def tmp_stdin(ctx): '''read stdin into temporary file use ctx.resilient_parsing=True to pass "-" directly ''' if not ctx.resilient_parsing: f, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir="./", prefix='clasp_tmp') f = open(path, 'wb') f.write( f.close() if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = dict(temps=[path]) elif 'temps' in ctx.obj: ctx.obj['temps'].append(path) else: ctx.obj['temps'] = [path] return path else: return "-"
[docs]def parse_file_list(ctx, s, valid=False): """parses list of files using glob expansion""" files = [] for i in shlex.split(s): if "~" in i: i = os.path.expanduser(i) if i == '-': files.append(tmp_stdin(ctx)) elif i[0] == '@': if os.path.exists(i[1:]): f = open(i[1:], 'r') fi = [j.strip() for j in f.readlines()] for l in fi: files += parse_file_list(ctx, l) else: raise ValueError(i[1:]) elif len(sglob(i)) > 0: for j in sglob(i): if os.path.exists(j): files.append(j) else: raise ValueError(j) else: if os.path.exists(i): files.append(i) elif valid and os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(i)): files.append(i) else: raise ValueError(i) return files